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C++ Templates I

Sun 11 June 2017

As anybody who's looked at Cara's capnp->Python conversion code, they may have noticed that I've taken a liking to C++ metaprogramming via templates. I started my initial foray into C++ back in '06 when modifying an existing codebase for a robotics competition. It didn't use templates, and for the …continue

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Pebble Development with C++ on the mind - Part 2

Mon 24 February 2014

Do you want to use C++ on the Pebble but sad that you can't? Well you're in luck! It's now possible! Continued from Pebble Development with C++ on the mind (Part 1).

All you have to do is alter the wscript file to enable proper compilation, actually. But if you …continue

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Pebble Development with C++ on the mind

Sat 08 February 2014

I've recently been working on Pebble smartwatch development, but I've spent the past 7 years in a C++ and Python based world, whether it was web development with Django, a C++ webserver, or a myriad of Python-based tools and frameworks. With C++ and Python, ignoring class hierarchies and many of …continue

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