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Cara ready to be tried externally!

Wed 29 April 2015

After months of internal use without problems, we're ready to release cara for others to use. We would be very happy if others picked up cara and made it work for them. If you've been looking at the Cap'n Proto project but were hesitant to shoehorn it into your Python …continue

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Why only internal use?

Sat 06 December 2014

Because I have 3 tests covering 67% of the code base and my only docs are blog posts. If you're way more adventurous than I am, the code is available at for your daring consumption.

Edit: I didn't mean it won't be available for others …continue

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Cara ready for internal use!

Sat 06 December 2014

After about a month of work, cara (Cap'n proto Alternative RPC API) is finally ready for internal use for Chain Reaction Mfg's main project.

The features required are finally working (and tested): 1. Send raw data and structs over the wire (like everybody else). 2. Send interfaces over the wire …continue

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Cara generation finished

Tue 02 December 2014

Generation of python from schema files is finished!

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Cara generation method changed; delayed

Mon 01 December 2014

Up until this week, cara had been outputting its schema files something like this:

import cara
ann = cara.Annotation(name='ann', type=cara.Text)
class MyStruct(cara.Struct):
    field1 = cara.Field(name='field1', type=cara.Int32)

However, this causes various problems due to capnp allowing use of types declared later …continue

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Cap'n proto alternative RPC API in the works

Wed 26 November 2014

Having started a new project that requires RPC, but without the benefits (and restrictions) imposed by my previous employer, I've gone on a detour towards building another RPC layer. However, knowing that building the entire layer from scratch is both a waste of time for me and would just add …continue

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